File Not Found - WSS Sites and Workspaces
A "File Not Found" error is returned when you try and access an existing Workspace or Sub Site if the original template has been removed or its reference removed from the XML folder.
For example, if you create an Event Workspace based on the Multipage Meeting Workspace template. You then proceed to customise the event workspace and finally save it as a new template - calling it "My Multi Page Event Workspace Template". If you now remove (as in physically delete) the following line
< configuration id="4" title="Multipage Meeting Workspace" description="All the basics to plan, organize and track your meeting with multiple pages. This Meeting Workspace contains the following lists: Objectives, Attendees and Agenda in addition to two blank pages for you to customize based on your requirements." hidden="FALSE" imageurl="/_layouts/images/mwsprev.png" >< /configuration >
from the WEBTEMP.XML file, then your custom template will no longer work. Existing workspaces based on the template will fail and all attempts to create a new workspace based on this template will return an error message.
If you wish to not have the default Multipage Meeting Workspace appear in any listing - change the Hidden attribute to "TRUE" and restart IIS.
This problem also occurs for WSS templates that have been created based on a copy of the STS folder - and the copy is either deleted or the related WEBTEMPxxx.XML file is removed.
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